Nominet very narrowly scraped the 90 percent it needed to be able to expand beyond the .uk registry this morning in Oxford.
In fact, 90.97 percent – which in reality meant that a Nominet member or two either way would have seen the whole thing fall over. I’m very pleased this got through. I think Nominet should be able to move into other areas – particularly ENUM and particularly the next generation of Net infrastructure. The domain name system in itself is a set system now and despite the expansion in new gTLDs, and the upcoming IDNs, it’s not where the growth and Nominet has bigger eyes and better talent than that.
Of course, there is always the risk that it could become increasingly corporate and aggressive. But then shoulda, woulda, coulda. The Board has learnt its lesson about not taking the members for granted, and these two votes – especially the e-voting one which got 96.66 percent approval – are good for the company.
I’m particularly interested to see what Jay Daley comes up with along his digital identifier lines.
Anyway, I have to go as I have some fancy black-tie do in London to get to – the BCS Annual Dinner, but here are two stories I have done about it for The Register and for Techworld.
And some nice pics. The full set are here for perusal.