Okay, I’ve just stuck up my first post on the ICANN blog. It is called “On the inside, look out… at a tornado” and it basically covers the second day working for ICANN and the first in which I met all the staff etc.
Why on earth am I blogging about a blog post? Well, just in case people ponder why this site is suddenly short of information on ICANN, it’s because I’m going to shift my writing about ICANN over to the ICANNblog. Two reasons: one, I now work for ICANN so it’s a good idea to build up the value of the ICANN blog rather than my own by populating it with (hopefully) useful content; and two, I can’t be arsed to write two blog posts on the same subject. I suspect my ICANN blog posts will be slightly more sober. I will certainly cut out the swearing. But otherwise I hope to retain the same basic approach.
I have also created a “participation” category with which I shall tag all my posts and that can be found at http://blog.icann.org/?cat=13 (maybe I should change the underlying architecture so it is “http://blog.icann.org/participation” instead). So that’s it. More ICANN posts in the pipeline. In the meantime enjoy the first.