First review of

I have consistently failed to actually post on *my own blog* that the book I’ve spent three years on is finally done, printed and actually available to buy from all good bookstores.

But it is.

And I’ve just seen the first review of it that hasn’t come from my biased family and friends, and that’s from Gavin Brown – who is a rare breed of man who has such technical ability that you can imagine him *seeing* the Internet in the same way that Keanu Reeves sees the Matrix, but is also a friendly and chatty bloke. Gavin told me he’d written a review and I really had no idea whether he would like it or loathe it.

I’m delighted to say he liked it and has written a great review of it on Circle ID. That pleases me enormously because one of the main aims of the book was to provide some understanding of how the domain name system works that was understandable by normal people (not just us Net freaks) but which also pasts muster with the Internet community. To hear that it is “the best book about the Domain Name system that I’ve ever read” is therefore enormously gratifying.

I’m also very pleased on a different level that the fact that I’d tried to make the book as fair and real as possible was noticed. Yes, it was very easy to make Cohen the bad guy, and Kremen the good guy, but the fact is that the world isn’t that black and white and I don’t see why I should pretend it is just to make a book easier to digest. I know that Stephen Cohen won’t agree though – at least not outside his own head – because anything that accuses him of being anything but an upstanding citizen (with perhaps a blemished record), irks him.

Anyway, I shall be buying Gavin Brown a beer at the book launch on 29 May. If anyone else is in London and wants to come, just email me.

  1. Well done! If I find myself in a bookstore I’ll buy it 🙂

  2. Can I get a signed copy? Where’s the book launch going to be? Email me pls.

  3. Which Richard is this? Richard A?

    But yes, signed copies all round. You buy it, I’ll sign it.

    Book launch – 29 May, Covent Garden, 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

    More details on the book’s website at:


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