I’ve started building a massive research database about John McLaren for my book – including typing up verbatim a bunch of newspaper articles from the 1890s and early 1900s that can only be found on...
So I’ve finally updated the software that this blog uses – WordPress – from 2.0.1 to 2.8.4 – which will mean nothing to most of you but cause others to wonder what the hell I’ve...
I’m writing this in that neverworld of an airport waiting for a slightly delayed plane. And, of course, as it always is, that airport is Heathrow. I hate Heathrow. I’ve always hated Heathrow. Even as...
I’m quite excited about the fact that Amazon has brought out a new ebook reader that it calls the Kindle. I haven’t seen one in the real world but I am assuming with the effort...
This morning I received an email from downloadinrainbows@waste.uk.com providing a link to a 48.3MB zipped file. Three minutes later I was listening to Radiohead’s new album In Rainbows. I am listening to it now as...
For those interested in Internet things – and in this case the sexy side of the Internet, Facebook and all that stuff – there is an interesting conference due to start in two hours in...
I finally joined Facebook last week. It was when the fifth person from a different sphere of friends send me an invite that I realised it had hit that point where I was most likely...
This has to be good – I note that Amazon.com is now selling my book – Sex.com. Unfortunately there is still a four to six-week delivery date on it, which leads me to conclude that...
Three weeks ago, I added a translation module to this blog as an experiment with automated translation software. The technology worked although thanks to some readers of different nationalities, it quickly became clear that the...
The next real big step for the Internet in revolutionising this planet is, I am convinced, mass accurate translation so that the language barriers that have divided and enclosed the world ever since we as...