Journalists blogging feature

I forgot to stick this up yesterday – an article in today's Press Gazette about journalists using blogs, and how they use them – “Make the most of blog power“. [A pdf of the feature is attached below.]

Written by Graham Holliday, who runs the Noodlepie blog covering street food in Vietnam, it covers what freelance journos are doing across the globe and, rather thoughtfully, Graham asked me to respond to a load of questions about my blog, which I did, and he has stuck in the feature.

Graham reckons I'm wrong when I say that making a living just from a blog is “wishful thinking”. I dunno though. I've done alot of work for alot of online publications and I maintain a strong “I'll believe it when I see it” perspective.

I see from Graham's blog he made $100 from his 60,000 monthly page impressions. I'm on about 60-70,000 myself and $100 would just about cover food and a Net connection (or a BT Wi-Fi connection for less than 10 hours).

To get alot more hits, I'll have to start writing about other topics and dedicate alot more time to the blog. Would it be worth it? Yes, you are your own publisher but you'd be working a hell of a lot harder and be making significantly less money.

But – and this is the real rub – if there is real money to be had, a number of very large companies will sooner or later swoop in and flood the market. Blogging will have to be much, much more stable before I put any financial store in it.

In the meantime I get to write what I want and enjoy doing it.