Wanna know the latest on the Sex.com case?

It looks as though the Sex.com case is going to run and run. In fact, I was asked last week when it would finally end and my answer was “I’m beginning to think only when Stephen Cohen is resting peacefully in his grave”.

Anyway, I finally got around to updating the Sexdotcom.info website that covers the case and my book on it, and as part of that I have added some mailing list technology that allows anyone to sign up to receive the latest details on the case, the book and the website.

It is very easy – simply go to the Updates page at www.sexdotcom.info/about/updates.htm and type in your email address (twice). Then you get a confirmation email with a link to click on to verify your address and then that’s it, you’re subscribed.

It has taken me a while to set this up because I wanted some good technology there so people can subscribe and unsubscribe automatically. I also wanted to tie it into the site so it looked professional. Anyway, it is now done. So if you want to know the latest on the Sex.com, I will be knocking up amusing and informative newsletters every month or so.