article in FT Deutschland

There is an article about in the German Financial Times this morning which rather nicely goes into detail about my book and includes several quotes from me.

The only thing is, I am pretty sure I didn’t say “rucksichtslose Schlaht” and I am certain the words “Seine Uberzeugungskraft ist aussergewohnlich” have never crossed my lips, not even now. Yes, I don’t speak or read German. But I tell you what, the German FT guy I spoke to spoke unnervingly good English. Anyway I am sure it’s a great piece, I just don’t understand a blood word of it.

If anyone fancies helping out, here is a PDF of the article. First two pages.

  1. That’s too long to translate tonight, but if you invite me for a pint I could be tempted to come to Oxford on Saturday and translate it 😉

    “ruecksichtslose Schlacht” I would translate with something like “ruthless battle”

    “Seine Ueberzeugungskraft ist aussergewoehnlich” means as much as “his power of persuasion is extraordinary”.

  2. Well, the survey of the story for the reader is that you’ve been to honest for the porn biz and that you’ve been taken to the cleaners by Stephen.

    Will the book be also translated to german?

  3. Ta very much – those translations make sense.

    I won’t be Oxford until late tonight so it may be too late for a beer. Don’t you live on Islay anyway? I should be suggesting visiting you and buying you a whisky.


  4. Is that right? That’s interesting. I had a bit of a chat with the reporter about whether I was too biased for Kremen, and how I could be sure of anything Cohen said.

    Does it read well though?


  5. I would like to live on Islay, but for the time being I’m stuck in Swindon, i.e. just down the road from Oxford. Only blogging about Islay at the moment, one day I hope to figure out a way to move there and make a living.

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