It was pointed out to me by a knowledgeable book seller at the weekend that you can pre-order my book from Amazon. So what are you waiting for?!
Of course, the more pre-orders there are, the more seriously both Amazon and my publishers will take the book, particularly with regard to promotion. And promotion, as I have come to understand the book industry, is the make-or-break.
If you have your book in the window, it sells far, far, more,which has the knock-on effect of the booksellers promoting it, which has a knock-on effect of sales and so on. Without that first nudge over the top, great books can simply get lose among the many.
So I can please encourage everyone who wants to read a sensational story about how two men fought each other to the bitter end for ten years over the most valuable Internet domain in existence – – to pre-order the book now.
I’m not too happy about Amazon already having 34 percent off a book that I am still writing, which is especially ironic of course because that is precisely why I buy most of my books through Amazon. But there you go.
Anyone that pre-orders and sends me an email to say they have done so, can have their name stuck on this blog post and I promise a personal autographed message if you stick it on front of my face at some point.
Veni Markovski
August 7, 2006 at 5:43 pmGood luck!
August 10, 2006 at 9:37 amCheers Veni
Patrick Jones
August 11, 2006 at 3:51 amGood luck Kieren, looking forward to reading it.
August 16, 2006 at 1:24 pmDoes that mean I can order my review copy now? 🙂
Well done, though. The best moments associated with writing books are the moment you get the offer and the moment you deliver it. Though, royalty cheques: pretty good, too.